Get Started Today

If you're a driver or manage a fleet, get started today!
We look forward to moving freight with you.

Making Connections Happen

Our commitment to being a partner of choice to transport companies is unwavering, and we’re continually looking at ways to keep your tires spinning while also making things easier for drivers and fleet owners.
Quality Loads

We offer carriers access to loads from blue-chip shippers. This ensures that there are always desirable loads available in our marketplace.


We power local freight. We empower drivers to spend as much time as they want with their families and sleep in their own beds.

Streamlined Business

Our proactive notifications help fleet owners and drivers handle the day-to-day operations of their businesses. Besides simply tracking paperwork to ensure PODs are uploaded into our system, drivers rely on Cargomatic for reminders on various renewals, like insurance and drivers’ licensing. We aim to handle as much back-office work as possible to let our carriers focus on driving.


We have a wide range of loads available for all types of equipment, and we offer access to loads for every kind of transport company.

Driving with Cargomatic

What’s it like driving with Cargomatic? Find out from our drivers.

Roberto Ventura, Driver

Roberto Ventura, Driver

Cargomatic changed my life. Before Cargomatic I was just working at a warehouse. Now I see a better future for myself and my family.

Roland Bula, Carrier

Roland Bula, Carrier

The Cargomatic app is very efficient. Everything is laid out. The appointment time, the pickup, the drop-off… all
the information you need is in the app, and I’m really thankful for it.

Andres Espinoza, Carrier

Andres Espinoza, Carrier

The things I love about Cargomatic are the fast responses, payments are made right away and you get more jobs on demand.

Start Driving with Cargomatic.

Transport logistics is a tough business, but being able to fill your trucks and make more money definitely helps. Our Marketplace connects you with a network of shippers who have jobs available for you to haul.

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